City of Chicago Department of Water Management
Augusta Blvd Sewer Replacement
Replacement of the existing combined sewer with approximately 2,400-ft of 24”-36” diameter reinforced concrete sewer pipe, including the installation of manholes, catch basins, inlets and cast-in-place connection structures.

Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency
Water Main Installation
Installation of approximately 16,600’-ft of 20” diameter water transmission main through the communities of Lake Villa and Fox Lake Hills via trenchless and open cut methods of pipe installation, including the installation of valves and blow-offs.

Flagg Creek Water Reclamation District
Deep Timber Shoring
Phase 1: Installation of approximately 7,200-ft of 36”-48” diameter relief sewer and four diversion chambers which required construction of 20’ deep, 15-ft x 20-ft timber shoring systems.
Phase 2: Installation of approximately 5,200-ft of 18”-24” diameter forcemain and a new wet weather pump station which required construction of a 30-ft deep, 32-ft diameter timber shoring system.